Page 58 - Profesores para Chile
P. 58

The principles that support teacher initial training are              •   Reflection on and systematic inquiry of pedagogical practices,
                                                                                     establishing a dialogue with the community and with updated
            •   Pedagogical and Social relationships: Teacher training presupposes   knowledge in order to strengthen the professional performance.
                that learning is a social process; hence, it fosters the development of
                pedagogical, social and equitable relationships that favour learning   •   Willingness to contribute to strengthening and developing the
                and well-being in all students as dignified human beings.            school community alongside the school professionals, the families
                                                                                     and the local community.
            •   Improvement to Learning: Teacher training essentially focuses
                on students’ learning improvement. This training implies the      In addition, the 2014 Committee on Institutional Initial Teacher Training
                development of competences for effectively teaching diverse       established that teacher training at the PUCV must be grounded in
                students, generating learning through the mastery of disciplinary,   ten  common  fundamental  professional/pedagogical  competences as
                didactic, psychological and pedagogical dimensions. This means a   determined by each Academic Unit. These competences are included in
                teaching style that surmises that all students are able to learn and   each of the graduation career profiles and articulated as follows:
                that are given a sense of achievement regardless of their educational   The teacher trainee
                                                                                    1.   Puts into action all concepts, principles and theories concerning
            •   Use of evidence: Teacher training accumulates evidence to identify
                teaching and learning challenges, experiment with innovative           the purpose of education, socialization, learning and human
                practices and monitor the development and impact of changes.           development to identify students’ potentialities, needs and
                Also, it promotes the development of a wide range of student-centred   interests in such a way as to effectively contribute to their full
                teaching-learning approaches.                                          development.
                                                                                    2.   Plans and implements teaching suitably so that all students can
            •   Pedagogical Leadership: Teacher training offers formal and informal
                opportunities to exercise pedagogical leadership and develop           learn, making use of the knowledge about the school context and
                collective teacher agency through the generation of professional       the characteristics of the students.
                learning communities that get teacher educators and school system   3.   Understands  and  puts  into  practice  the  curricular  framework
                teachers together.                                                     and the pedagogical and didactic principles that support quality
                                                                                       teaching for all students.
            •   Partnerships with the School System: Teacher education seeks to
                encourage the development of professional capabilities of pre-      4.   Designs and adequately implements the learning sequences,
                service teachers through associations with the school system. This     ensuring coherence among the institutional educational project,
                implies making this relationship stronger, beyond the teaching         disciplinary contents, and didactics.
                practice experiences, and entering into mutual short- and long-term
                collaboration and cooperation agreements.                           5.   Generates a classroom atmosphere that fosters learning in all
                                                                                       students, favouring participation and collaboration, as well as
            •   Different types of knowledge and expertise: Teacher training           respect and consideration of diversity.
                entertains and draws on different knowledge sources and expertise;
                e.g. that which emerges from both, teaching experience and          6.   Knows a variety of didactic strategies and uses them in such a way
                disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge.                                for the learning process that they are coherent with both, the nature
                                                                                       of the contents and the needs derived from the characteristics of
            •   Content-related integration: Teacher training must be considered       the students.
                an  integrated  whole  that  embraces  disciplinary,  didactic,  and
                pedagogical contents.                                               7. Designs different assessment methods suitable to register the
                                                                                       students’ academic progress and uses the results to provide
            •   Theory and practice: Teacher training is based on the union of         feedback on the learning process and improve the pedagogical
                theory and practice.  Overcoming the artificial theory/practice        practice.
                dichotomy, as a criterion for methodologic separation, is one of the
                main challenges.                                                    8. Generates teaching knowledge by systematising pedagogical
                                                                                       research, personal and collaborative reflections and the evidence
            For this reason, the PUCV has laid down the following four guidelines      gathered from the students’ learning with the purpose of improving
            for professors participating in initial teacher training, with the purpose   pedagogical practices, raising professional performance standards
            of informing pre-service teacher performance:                              and forging teacher identity.
            •   Capacity for effectively teaching diverse students, generating      9.   Interacts with students, families,  communities, colleagues,  and
                learning through a total mastery of disciplines, didactics, pedagogy   other professionals in a constructive, collaborative manner to
                and psychology.                                                        ensure the students’ learning and full development.
            •   Capacity for promoting pedagogical and social interactions with     10.  Knows, explores, and adequately uses different research methods
                the imprint of the university’s system of values characterized by      to comprehend educational phenomena with a focus on improving
                solidarity and equitable, democratic relationships that favour         and innovating professional performance.
                learning and well-being of all their students as dignified human

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