Page 49 - Profesores para Chile
P. 49

UCV educators are aware of the existence of the need for
                                                                                 providing cross-curricular knowledge, skills and attitudes              PROFESORES PARA CHILE
                                                                                 underlying the university’s Mission and Vision.
                                                                                 Undergraduate curriculums incorporate into all their
                                                                                 programmes of study, among other objectives, training in
                                                                                 moral commitment and social responsibility through the
                                                                                 development of eight institutional competences that are
                                                                                 found in all career profiles. These competences are grouped
                                                                                 in three areas: transcendental/value-laden, academic, and
                                                                    P personal/interpersonal development.

                                                                     At the end of their educational programmes, students will

                                                                     •  Recognize/Be aware of the transcendental dimension of human
                                                                        existence and the Christian anthropology as valuable answers to
                                                                        the meaning of life.

                                                                     •  Act ethically, illuminated by Christian guidelines, in real contexts,
                                                                        with autonomy and respect for others, seeking the common good,
                                                                        the promotion of human rights and the fulfilment of the human
                                                                        person, in a context of diversity.
                                                                     •  Communicate ideas in a clear and coherent Spanish, their mother
                                                                        tongue, in academic contexts.

                                                                     •  Use information and communication technologies as tools for
                                                                        academic and professional development.

                                                                     •  Demonstrate scientific capabilities: analysis, abstraction, synthesis,
                                                                        and critical thinking, with the purpose of solving problems, building
                                                                        knowledge and developing self-learning both, at individual and
                                                                        interdisciplinary teamwork levels.
                                                                     •  Communicate in oral and written English so as to facilitate their
                                                                        insertion and participation in multicultural and interdisciplinary
                                                                     •  Regard reading, the relationship with others, physical activity,
                                                                        healthy lifestyles, environmental care, the arts, and culture as
                                                                        sources of full personal development.
                                                                     •  Participate, according to their interests, in opportunities for
                                                                        university training in responsible citizenship.                                  49
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