Page 52 - Profesores para Chile
P. 52

IMPLEMENTING A SYSTEM FOR                                                                   The following are brief
            MONITORING UNDERGRADUATE                                                                    descriptive protocols of each of
                                                                                                        the practices that are required
            CAREER PROFILES                                                                             for the training process and that

                                                                                                        contribute to the achievement
                                                                                                        of career profile competences:

            The Pontificia Universidad Católica de  Since 1998 teacher initial training programmes      •   Contextualization  of  Teaching:  It  gathers  evidence
            Valparaíso, on its strong commitment to  have been implemented with three education            regarding the pre-service teachers’ knowledge and
            quality assurance about all its undergraduate  core courses: Initial Practicum, Intermediate   skills so that facilitators of obstacles to learning can be
                                                                                                           identified by considering elements inside and outside
            programmes, has created a system for  Practicum and Final Practicum.  These three              of the classroom as well as the characteristics of the
            monitoring  the  competences  established  in  all  mandatory curricular activities progressively   learners. It also assesses the resignification of their own
            undergraduate career profiles.              and   comprehensively  contribute  to  the         conceptions about learning and is the basis for planning
                                                                                                           learning situations.
            All programmes of study contain a set of core   acquisition of professional, disciplinary and
            courses that contribute to observing whether or   general  education  competences.  Final   •   Teaching planning and assessment: It provides evidence
                                                                                                           about the coherence between the priority factors
            not the career profile competences have been   Practicum students are expected to perform as   identified  in  the  previous  protocol  and the  adoption
            achieved. The system has been based on these   full-time pre-service school teachers, whereby   of teaching and assessment procedures. It also helps
            mandatory courses.                          they put into practice their knowledge and         appraise the pre-service teacher’s technical suitability
                                                        professional skills.                               in applying didactic strategies and the design of teaching
            Students achieve conceptual, procedural,                                                       plans   and assessment instruments.
            and attitudinal learnings throughout their   The Institutional Committee on Teacher         •   Putting teaching into practice: It provides information
            formative process. The competences defined   Training outlined a set of guidelines for         about pre-service teachers’ ability to go through
            in the career profiles are developed in multiple   all pedagogy programmes offered by the      teaching/learning processes, according to 22 criteria
            ways and, therefore, are assessed differently.   University. These definitions were gathered in   for classroom observation. During the intermediate
            The assessment intends to verify both, mastery   the “Conceptual Framework for Teacher Initial   practice, the mentor informs about the level of
                                                                                                           achievement, and the tutor is an active participant when
            of knowledge and the performance that the   Training” (2014), where the relevance of practical   the Final Practicum commences.
            formative process demands, considering ethical   training for the professional development of pre-
            values and behaviour.                       service teachers was established.               •   Analysis of learning outcomes and pedagogical decision-
                                                                                                           making: It provides evidence on pre-service teachers’
            The most valuable learning experience is gained  The 2014 curricular update sought to establish   abilities to collect, systematise and reflect about
                                                                                                           learning outcomes.  A reflective process—in which the
            by integrating these competences into authentic  ten professional or pedagogical competences,   learning outcomes are the essential input to analyse the
            exercises, which should be closely related to the  common  to  all  education  programmes,  which   teaching practice—takes place.
            professional realities that students will face.      were useful to design a monitoring and follow-  •   Co-assessment: This assessment allows the members
                                                        up system based on evidence and performance        of a same subgroup (Initial Practicum) and pair
            Being real-time dynamic, the progressive    in schools.                                        (Intermediate  Practicum)  to  ponder  over  their  joint
            learning achievements are collected and                                                        performance.
            analysed, acquisition of competences is verified  Based on this system, a technological platform—
            through evidence, the whole curriculum receives  where students deposit their original material,   •   Self-assessment: Assessment of pre-service teacher’s
                                                                                                           own performance throughout the Practicums.
            feedback, and continuous improvement is  reflect on their performance and receive
            carried out; in this way, the institutional quality  feedback from their mentor and their tutor—  All these protocols are argumentative-reflective reports in
            assurance system becomes more effective.    was designed.                                   which beliefs, thoughts, and ideas about how the learning
                                                                                                        process develops come together. The data obtained from the
                                                                                                        school context and the interactions with school students are
                                                                                                        analysed according to guidelines found in the specialized
                                                                                                        These protocols are assessed and rated by tutors, who use
                                                                                                        the SEPRAD   platform, which helps create periodic reports
                                                                                                        to provide feedback about the programmes of study.  By
                                                                                                        using this information, programme directors and heads
                                                                                                        of academic units can make timely decisions about such

                                                                                                        4  Sistema de Evaluación de Prácticas Docentes
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